First impressions of the Samsung POWERbot R7040 vacuum

I was excited to receive the Samsung POWERbot R7040 and instantly unboxed it, quick start guide, manual, charger, power supply, remote, and the vacuum bot. I set up the POWERbot on its charger to start it’s initial 1.5-hour full charge to start its first maiden cleaning.

Chris Corriveau
4 min readMar 19, 2018
Unboxing the Samsung POWERBOT R7040

First impressions, the box is fairly standard electronic/appliance type of packaging with some dense plastic air wrap around each part. It is definitely packed tightly and would be hard to damage in shipping and nothing very fancy. The quickstart guide is great and is easy to comprehend and the setup is a breeze. Plug the charger in, remove the plastic, turn the vacuum on and place it on the charger. The display is fairly straightforward and it lets you know how much charge the battery has, the activity of charging, wifi connected, and when it’s full.

The unboxing of the Samsung POWERbot R7040, one handed!

Auto clean, where have you been all my life!

After the first full charge, I couldn’t wait to see this vacuum bot do it’s thing so I pressed the auto clean button and watched it do its thing. Our house is a small farm out in Driftwood Texas where we have 3 dogs, 1 lamb, 4 goats, 20 chickens, and 6 donkeys. All that to say we have a lot to clean with all the dog hair and in and out of dirt and dust. The floors are mostly tile so figured should be pretty easy to do decent cleaning and with the Edge Clean feature. The POWERbot started cleaning the first challenge our entry rug, it was able to handle it. Wasn’t as clean as me taking a manual vacuum to it and digging deep but it was acceptable given I didn’t have to do it. As the POWERbot did its thing I decided to get the mobile app installed and hook it into my homes wifi. Seems that Samsung has purchased “Smart Things” since the guides printing and that is now the app to download and connect to the POWERbot. It took a little bit to get the mobile app hooked into the wifi and had to do it a couple of times before it worked. I like that if you live in the Smart Things world you can have many different smart home devices and control it all from the one app but it isn’t as smooth or works as well as I’m sure the original Samsung app worked with the device.

Mobile app connection, a full POWERbot, and the vacuum history in app

The remote and mobile app act similar in that you can control the vacuum bot using either which is pretty cool. You can actually control the bot like a remote control which is pretty handy as well as the spot clean feature, just laser point at a dirty spot and the bot goes to work. The mobile app allows you to set up the time so that you can use the scheduling feature and gives you the bots history which shows you when and where the vacuum cleaned. It was fun to try to figure out which way to adjust the view to align it with the rooms and the furniture in the room. Looking over the history diagram, it looks like it does a pretty thorough job back and forth through the rooms.

It’s consistent, I come home every day and the floor is clean!

How does it sound when it’s working?

The cleaning took about an hour and the bot returned to it’s charging station. The dustbin collected quite a lot of dog hair, dust, and dirt. It was easy to empty the bin though you do have to pull apart two parts and if not careful you can end up with dust all over the place. It would be nice in the future to have a button which opens the dustbin so it’s a bit easier. It was a successful first run with no issues and nice clean floors. I then set up a daily schedule for cleaning every day at 11 am while I’m at work. It would be nice to set the schedule for the day since I may not want it to run on the weekends when I’m home but it’s ok.

My conclusion for people that are busy all day at work, the Samsung POWERbot R7040 is a great device to keep up with daily maintenance to keep the house clean. It’s quiet and it didn’t bother my dogs, they just ignore it. It does a great job cleaning, it’s easy to empty and right now I’m glad that we have it to keep things clean.

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Chris Corriveau

Tech entrepreneur by day Movie, TV Show, Book, device and Food reviewer by night. Living on a farm in Driftwood, TX.